Saturday, June 15, 2013

70 Days; Chapter 13

FINALLY have a chance to write this one chapter! Too many inspirations wandering about in my head! Can't wait to start typing.

Previously on 70 Days;

Jade and her mother traveled to Melbourne after Jade threatened her by almost telling confessing to her father that her mother was cheating on him with a man called Khalifa.

Jade was qualified to donate one of her kidneys.

Jade and Rashed met face to face in his plain, white room.

A few hours after their hug, Rashed's operation for the transplant occurred.


Day #56

Rashed's perspective;

I was awakened by the sound of the nurse adjusting chairs of the room.

I don't understand how she couldn't wait until I woke up by myself.

I lay my eyes on my nearby clock.

'10:56 AM' was plastered on the screen.

"Oh, good morning, Mr. Rashed," said the nurse after realizing my awakening.

"Good morning," I responded.

I was unable to recall anything after the doctors drugged me.

Seems like I immediately slept after the operation.

Remaining under the sheets, I pulled up the hospital clothes I was wearing and viewed the long stitches on the right side of my abdomen.

Yes, the pain still existed them, however knowing you're going to be cured as a fact outweighs it.

Hopefully, everything will go back to normal and Jade and I will go back to being together, for real, though.


Jade's perspective;

My mother and I have just returned from the buffet downstairs.

It feels weird owning just a kidney.

I feel different.

We decided to stay in today, since the doctor told me to rest.

Although out flight's tomorrow morning, I really hope to see Rashed before I leave, hoping he's doing alright.


"Hello?" spoke the nurse.

"Hi, it's Jade, I donated my-"

"Ah, yes, hello, my dear, how may I help you?" she interrupted.

"I was just wondering when the visiting hours are today for Rashed," I inquired.

"Oh, sorry, Ma'am, the doctor doesn't prefer anyone visiting Mr. Rashed today, he says he needs rest. You do too, dear,"

I died a little inside.

"I suppose that's true, goodbye," and I put the phone down.

Yes, I was a bit sad, but as long as he's in good hands, there's nothing to be afraid of!


Rashed's perspective;

"What are these?" I asked the nurse while she was approaching me with quite a few medications. I could tell they were boxes of tablets.

"Oh, just a few painkillers," she replied.

"A few?"

"This is the last for today," she said.

Thank god, I thought to myself.

They've given me over 20 tablets in the past 24 hours.

An hour after the nurse took a visit to give me my required medicine, I felt a prick coming from beneath the stitches.

I looked at it from under the sheets, once again, and saw it the same as how I saw it today morning as I woke up.

The pain sort of felt like the pain I used to receive in my leg, a long time ago.

But when I felt it once again, I was able to resemble it.

It lasted for about 10 minutes and then just stopped.

Was it agony of love?

Was it because I missed Jade?

No, it can't be.

Love doesn't hurt. If it did, then it isn't love, because the person whom you have affection for would never let anything hurt you.

It's impossible, I wanted to believe.

Moments later, it returned, but this time, with a whole different amount of discomfort.

It lasted for 20 minutes this time.

And basically, it continued that way for the rest of the night.

I hardly slept.

Now, I know, it sure has something to do with the actual ache.

The pills were no help anymore, the wound was pounding, beating, maybe. Every single pound was sharp, sharp like a razor blade, reopening my body, reopening my stitches.

It was pain I've never experienced before.

I winced in agony.

I screamed, it was unbearable, it was already morning.

Nurses rushed confusingly into the room, wondering what was the reason behind the increase of my voice.

I couldn't even speak, all I could do was scream, scream, and scream.

The pain took over me.

"Doctor!" one of them shouted.

He arrived so disoriented.

They tried to calm me down with medication.

It wasn't working.

The pain was still there, haunting me, my every move, it was a shadow you couldn't get rid of.

They made several phone calls to the other doctors in the building, I knew that because my ears were still functioning.


Day #57

Jade's perspective;

It was time to leave.

We had a man carry our luggage all the way to the taxi.

My mother was helping me, I felt weak, a type of weakness nobody with two kidneys may experience.

The plan is that my mother and I return safely to London, and from there, she returns home.

I don't know how I'm going to manage all by myself.

The doctor gave me some prescribed treatments, in order to feel as normal as I can, as soon as possible.

We hopped in the taxi and were carried by the vehicle to the airport.

In the meanwhile, I just longed for the day Rashed and I will stand facing each other again, holding his hand, listening to his voice, reciting poem after poem.

1 comment:

  1. loved it ��❤
    your blog is the best ��❤❤❤❤
