Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Deceived; Chapter 13

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Ghaneya?" he asked. I could tell he was sort of nervous, but not as nervous as me, my palms were sweating!

"Fouad?" I asked too.

"Can't believe I'm hearing your voice for the first time ever. So great to talk to you outside Twitter!" he said with full expression.

His voice sounded deep and manly, just like an ordinary 17 year old. It was drawing my attention and so appealing.

"Me too! Finally." I replied.

"So tell me about your math lessons, what do you need to study?" he questioned.

It was only 8 PM, he taught me everything I needed to know. He is unbelievably great at teaching! He's a genius. I was done talking to him on the phone by 11:30. Yes, we had that much chapters.

I thanked him so much and drifted off to sleep.


"Class dismissed." said our English teacher.

We escorted ourselves through the classroom door and headed to our blue lockers to make our way to last period. I had Math next, and I was over confident. Fouad taught me well, really well. The things he taught me won't ever escape from my mind, that's how well I understood from his explanations.

I entered the classroom and sat at my usual seat, sharpened my pencil, placed an eraser next to me, and opened to the first page.

I was done in half the class time. The test was 9 pages long and I managed to solve each and every question in full detail.

I took my test to our Math teacher and placed it on her desk. Now all I had to do was wait till the others were done.

"Mayyar! So how was it?" I asked her once the bell rang.

"Kind of difficult, how about you?" she told me.

"It was the easiest, I can't believe I didn't know this at first!" I said is relief.

I asked Munya how was the test, too. She found it okay. I told her that Fouad cleared everything out for me on the phone. She froze once she heard the words "phone call".

"He called you?!" she roared.

"Yeah, no big deal, it was for a school purpose. Calm down." I said with an evil smirk.

She simply ignored me and walked off. I could tell she was uncomfortable with me talking to him. She doesn't even know the guy, who is she to judge?!

I walked to my car and went back home.

In the meantime, I was checking my phone, answered a few text messages from the rest of the girls, and then clicked on twitter to reply to Fouad.

I had a tear coming out once I read those horrifying words of his.

"Airport, will be gone for 2 weeks."

"Whaaaat?! Will we still keep in touch?" I replied sadly.

"Of course! I can't take one day without talking to my girl! I'll call you every night, okay?<3" he wrote.

My girl? Okay.. I like the sound of that.

"Okay <3" I answered, "where anyways? & for what reason?"

"Lebanon..." he said to me.

"For???????" I said worriedly that he didn't answer part of my question.

"Ghaneya, I need to tell you something." his words almost brought me to tears.

He then added to his words before I had the chance to reply, "I'm not 17 years old."

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